Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Usah ! Usah membenarkan
Ideologi-ideologi yang telah pun tamat di praktikkan oleh negara-negera kommunis adahlah:-
1. Kopun Makanan - beratur untuk membeli roti di Jerman Timur.
2. Kopun Bakaran - beratur untuk membeli minyak bakaran - negeri China
3. Kopun Resen - beratur untuk membeli Makanan seperti Tepung...Minyak Masak...Gula...sbg...
Sekarang sedang dalam cadangan oleh Kerajaan Malaysia (UMNO) untuk mempraktikkan. Dengan KOPUN !!
UMNO adalah parti yang pertama di Malaya bergabung dan berkerjasama dengan PKM di Malaya pada tahun 1946 ~ 1950. PKM tidak berpakatan dengan Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya (PKMM) kerana PKMM berfikiran kiri pada masa itu. Lihat gambar kepil di bawah.
MCA di tubuhkan pada tahun 1950, manakala MIC di tubuhkan pada tahun 1951 atas suruhan Tuan nya pada masa itu, iaitu Kerajaan Jajahan British. UMNO, MCA dan MIC di ajar be a "humble"man, dan mereka semua setuju dan "hamba"i diri.
Pada masa itu, Kerajaan Jajahan British tiada kuasa untuk tubuhkan pasukan askar di tanah jajahan mereka, kerana kuasa askar adalah atas hak pegangan Sultan-sultan tempatan, maka British tubuhkan pasukan Polis untuk mengail senjata menentang Kommunis, mengakibatkan pasukan Polis kita memusuhi anggota Kommunis sehingga sekarang kerana banyak yang terkorban. Siapakan yang mencari dan menemui ajal?
Kalau, PKM dipanggil Bapak kepada Kommunisma di Malaysia, maka UNMO adakah Anaknya ? Kenapa menteri-menteri UMNO sekarang ingin nak mempraktikkan langkah-langkah ajaran kommunis sekarang, ia mesti sahabat baik Chin Peng. Kita patut tolak kepulangan Chin Peng demi untuk mempertahankan UMNO jatuh kedalam tangan Kommunis. Komminis membezakan orang kaya dengan orang miskin, kommunis merompak orang kaya dan menyuap orang miskin.
Awang amat gelisah, UMNO sudah lupa kulitnya.
Melayu berpegang kepada Janji, Kommunis membawa ke mati!
Thursday, November 05, 2009
It was originally invested for Crime Preventions. To protect Tourists, to Protect the fellow Citizens. Yet these tools are now landed on the wrong hand, being wrong used as $$$$ making tools. The Lazy, Handicapped, Disabled, Dump Police Force, you must be insane!
<Check it out>
Next Coming... for Bagan SPU area too.
What say you ?!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Pasukan Keselamatan Sukarela Butterworth
I found this! Staying in BaganSPU will never be the same again. If you don't feel safe, just make a call!
If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood
Who ya gonna call (Butterworth 1)
If it's somethin' weird an it won't look good
Who ya gonna call (014-304 9028)
Don't get caught alone oh no…crimebuster
When he comes through your door
Unless you've just got some more
I think you better call crimebusters
Ooh... who you gonna call (Butterworth 10)
Who you gonna call (017-400 0012)
Ah, I think you better call (PKS-BW)
Who you gonna call (Butterworth 10)
Who you can call Butterworth 10…(017-400 0012)
The purpose of the security team is to assist the police and the local preventive work, as well as to assist the interim accident occurred, such as: fire, natural disasters, accidents and so on.
1. 参加本治安队队员,全属个人义务贡献,没有酬劳。
2. 本治安队设有队长,副队长,各部门小组及理事会代表。若接获投报,求助或投诉;需联络有关部门並遵守其指示。
3. 杜绝个人表现,图呈英雄主义者。
4. 绝对不准乱做主张卷入私人恩怨纠纷,或钱财问题。
5. 不可私下向公众收取任何酬劳或回报,不可报有私自利益或企图。
6. 没有充足的证据或理由,绝对不可鲁莽栽停公众人士查问。
7. 应有责任维持现场次序及交通问题,控制自己与公众人士的情绪为主要工作。
8. 不可把法律玩弄在自己手里,必须与警方配合以方便进行调查工作。
9. 绝对不可对受害者或事主许下任何承诺,一切必须交由队长处理。
10. 不可在路上奔驶,应顾及公众及个人安全。
11. 不可做出任何破坏本治安队之名誉的事情。
12. 身为优质的队员,应尽能力记录下对讲机所报告之匪徒或报失之车牌号码与特征等等。
Sunday, October 25, 2009
kopi仔:哎呀,我昨晚晚餐和girl friend去吃九皇爷的菜,mana知道老板跟我收钱时,我真的傻去了啊!
kopi仔:这还不是最够力的,我的girl friend叫福建炒来吃,他们竟收5块半,结果参喝水到来,花了十三十四块钱啊,我真的是要昏了。
kopi仔:当时girl friend在身边,我又死要脸,给钱时做到自己很steady,其实是心痛到要哭了。最惨的是,花了这样多钱还不饱,送girl friend回家后,我还弯去mamak档吃roti canai啊!
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Defination of Extremist
Who would sacrifice self for weid intention = Extremist
Who conduct mass killings = Extremist
A simple search by google, reveals... as above
Can JI in Malaysia proof that they are not ? Think !
Maybe they can claim that they are different, in their full name.
What's different between Mohammad, Muhammad, Muhammed, Mohamat, Mohd...
JI = Jemaah Islam = Jemaah Islamiyah = Jemaah Islamiah = Jemaah Islah ?
If they are not extremist, why they need to be ISA'ed for 8 years.
And JIM don't have to campaign for their immediate ISA releases.
Please compare Names in Banner above with Aliran's records below.
See screenshot below.
This federal government proves that JIM has gone to their extreme.
And should banned and dissolves this extremist organization JIM at once.
So they are now all captured and detained under ISA.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Biar ia di Stadium Bersejarah
Biar lah mereka berkumpul di Stadium Bersejarah kita,
Tanpa sebarang permit,
Tanpa sebarang kondisi,
Stadium merdeka, stadium demokrasi, stadium bebas percakapan...
Saya cadang.
An Jin san pun turut sokong.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Barack Obama kata: Bodoh
Meski pun SeTuan-tuan Mat Salleh, tidak pun mereka dapat tubuhkan Pasukan Tentera Tempatan untuk menentang Angkatan Anti Kerajaan Jajahan British.
Di tanah tumpah nya darah ku ini, askar adalah hak Raja-Raja sahaja pada zaman kesultanan.
Mat Salleh hanya dapat tubuhkan pasukan mata-mata, dan mata-mata lah yang dapat menengok sesama supaya keselamatan mereka akan terselamat dan terjamin.
Meski pun demikian, sikap gaya KeTuanan Mat Salleh terhadap hamba mereka tetap ada, tunjuk gaya dan tunjuk kasar, apatah lagi dibawa depan orang puaknya.
Masa itu, kita hamba, kita jangan jawab lain, jawab sahaja: Yes Sir!
Itu Mat Salleh, yang memperhambakan kita pada masa lampau.
Itu Mat Salleh, yang meneladani kita siapa Tuan hingga sekarang.
Sekarang Mat Salleh tiru ini cuba nak tunjuk kasar.
Terpaksa saya pinjam kata Barack Obama: Stupid Police !
Nak tunjuk Ketuanan apa, kepada siapa, sesama bangsa sendiri ?
Adakah lakunan ini lakunan KPN terakhir ?
Supaya jawatan Ketua Polis Negara dapat dipanjangkan?
Nak tunjuk kasar ?
Nak tunjuk Polis Boleh ?
Tak kesian kah kepada anak-anak polis kita,
yang dipaksa melibat langsung.
Tak kesian kah kepada anak-anak remaja kita,
yang di heret dalam ribut taufan politik.
Biarlah, sesungguhnya mereka hanya berperarakan aman,
berperarakan untuk menarik perhatian, supaya
yang Pekak, dengar, tapi tak terdengar,
yang Buta, nampak, tapi tak terlihat, dan harap lah
yang Bisu itu dapat berucap,
sesungguhnya baik untuk rakyat jelata,
kenapa pula kita tolak?
Biar perarakan damai itu berlangsung, dari mula hingga akhir, bukan kah itu aman dan damai.
Bukan kah kita ni seBangsa dan seJiwa?
Tuan ! Ya Tuan !!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
1.Persatuan Putra Pulau Pinang,
- Wan Balkis Wan Abdullah, the founder.
2.Pertubuhan Al-Ehsan Malaysia,
- Mohd Ridzwan Sulaiman, The President.
3.Majlis Pemuafakatan Ummah (Pewaris),
4.Persatuan Pribumi Perkasa (Perkasa),
5.Badan Bertindak Perpaduan Melayu (Malay Unity Action Body),
- Osman Abu Bakar, The President.
These are the minute minority who were so strangely still instill on ISA.
Let's see if they consumed it in future.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
五千年華族的 夭壽 文化
請他:先自行拆下滿街張貼沒有繳交布條廣告費的 202怡保 布條。
請他:先自行退還市政局 他多拿而也非法出租 市政局的小販攤格。
Friday, July 17, 2009
If I were Najib
The ugly guys still habit with their old practice,
C4 is not being used instead,
Just throw him out from the office.
If I were Najib,
The past old must not having practice,
House cleaning should now be wajib,
Hang the murder, revamp MACC office.
Only if I were Najib.
I shall not accept the findings bring up by Polis
That were someone who rob Teo middle of the night inside MACC compound
Is the murder who accidently killed his victim.
I simply just can not accept that...twists...
...updated 090720
Thursday, July 16, 2009
As was told, wear BLACK, go to MACC Penang and gather in front of the MACC Penang HQ, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, at 11.00am July 17 Friday morning, stage a protest over the death of Teo Beng Hock.
A candle-light vigil will be held at the same venue at 9.00pm Friday night.
Can some one take this MACC down for good.
Monday, July 13, 2009
唔唔...5555....5555....5555....5555... 犯賤,活該。
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Makkal Sakti turn the table
don't take threats. Go else where...go...
Should start-up your own funds for self rescue, making a public appeal.
May Ananda...Chettier...Kuttie...Samy... supports generously.
Then make a constructive appeal to Guan Eng, he may allocate some funds from the state and get a joint rescue your small biji pala. Without the support from the state government, you will never succeed, and to get his support, ask politely like a gentleman, like a family member.
Don't tell me, after many months of holidaying in neighbor to Taiping Lake Garden, you have the table turned as per released agreement? Eh ? Looked, he is in his Bright Orange jailmate suits. What did the Bright Orange signal you ?
G. Krishnan has his take on the other side of Uthayakumar.
Termakan Diri!
oh not...
...Makkal Sakti !
Not Just a Common Cold
Watchful vigilance is needed to handle Influenza A (H1N1).
THE Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr Margaret Chan, announced on June 11, 2009 that the flu pandemic level was to be raised to level 6, which is the highest possible. This means that there is sustained human to human transmission of influenza A (H1N1) with community outbreaks in at least one country in two WHO regions. It meant that it was no longer possible to contain the virus to a particular geographical area.
During previous pandemics, the influenza virus took more than six months to spread as widely as the influenza A (H1N1) has spread in less than six weeks since the detection of the initial cases in Mexico and the United States.
International travel has contributed very significantly to the spread of the virus, seeding urban areas with an increased intensity of transmission.
As at July 1, 2009, health authorities in 116 countries have reported 77,201 cases and 332 deaths to WHO. As at July 2, 244 cases were reported in Malaysia, with no deaths. 206 patients had returned from abroad and 38 were due to local transmission.
This article was written with the objective of getting all readers on board the prevention train as everyone can take individual preventive measures that would collectively contribute significantly to controlling the spread of the disease.
Influenza is a common infection that affects many people. It is caused by RNA viruses of the orthomyxoviridae family. The influenza viruses are classified into types A, B and C based on their core proteins.
Type A viruses infect humans and many other mammals, eg pigs and horses, as well as birds. Type B and C viruses usually affect humans.
Types A and B viruses are common causes of acute respiratory infections.
The virus often mutates. Minor mutations (antigenic drift) are frequent and cause repeated outbreaks. Major mutations (antigenic shift) are rare and are due to reassortment of genetic material from different A sub-types. When they occur, pandemics may arise, causing many deaths. The type B virus does not exhibit antigenic shifts.
The frequent viral mutations lead to outbreaks annually. This is because the immunity from an infection does not provide full protection against another infection by an antigenic or genetic variant of the same sub-type A virus or type B virus.
Influenza is spread by droplets and aerosols from the respiratory secretions of infected persons. The virus usually infects the upper respiratory tract, ie the nose, throat and bronchi. It rarely infects the lungs. If an infected person coughs or sneezes and does not cover it, the droplets containing the virus can spread to about a metre (three feet) distance. This can be inhaled by anyone very close to the infected person.
If the infected person coughs or sneezes into his hands, the droplets containing the virus are easily transferred to surfaces touched by the person. Traces of the viruses may be found on items at home and work, eg door handles, hand rails, computer keyboards etc as they can survive for several hours on these surfaces. Should anyone touch these surfaces and then the face, the person can get the infection.
Symptoms develop between one to five days. A person can be infectious from the day before symptoms develop until seven days afterwards. The infection spreads rapidly, especially among those who are in crowded areas. The virus survives longer outside the body in cold and dry weather. As a result, epidemics in temperate countries usually occur in winter.
The clinical features of influenza include a sudden onset of high fever, muscle ache (myalgia), headache, non-productive cough, sore throat, and running nose. Most people recover within a week or two without requiring any treatment.
It is difficult to distinguish influenza from other respiratory infections. Laboratory tests will help in confirming the diagnosis. The collection of specimens for viral culture is critical to the provision of information about the circulating influenza subtypes and strains. This is needed for decisions on treatment and the formulation of vaccines for the subsequent year.
Secondary bacterial pneumonias are a common complication, especially in children below two years, senior citizens and those with medical conditions, eg lung diseases, diabetes, cancer, kidney or heart problems. Infections can also lead to death.
Influenza is an upper respiratory tract infection that lasts a few days in most people, and is usually treated symptomatically. The body gets rid of the virus in a few days. Antibiotics have no role in the treatment of people who are otherwise healthy. However, they are used to treat secondary bacterial complications.
Influenza A (H1N1)
Influenza A (H1N1) contain some elements of a virus found in pigs. There is no evidence of it circulating in local pigs and scientists are investigating its origins. It has spread from humans to humans worldwide, leading to the declaration of a pandemic flu outbreak.
The novel influenza A(H1N1) virus spreads in exactly the same way as ordinary seasonal colds and influenza. The symptoms are the same as the ordinary seasonal flu although it may be more severe with more serious complications. The typical symptoms are sudden fever and cough. Other symptoms include headache, myalgia, pain in the joints and limbs, sore throat, running nose, sneezing, tiredness and loss of appetite.
It is different from the ordinary seasonal influenza because it is a new virus that appeared in humans and spread globally very rapidly. Since it a new virus, no one will have immunity to it and everyone is at risk of getting the infection. This includes healthy adults as well as older people, young children and those with existing medical conditions. It is likely that the current pandemic will affect more people and lead to more deaths than the ordinary seasonal flu.
Dr Margaret Chan of WHO states concisely: “Thanks to close monitoring, thorough investigations, and frank reporting from countries, we have some early snapshots depicting spread of the virus and the range of illness it can cause ... We know, too, that this early, patchy picture can change very quickly. The virus writes the rules and this one, like all influenza viruses, can change the rules, without rhyme or reason, at any time ... Finally, and perhaps of greatest concern, we do not know how this virus will behave under conditions typically found in the developing world. To date, the vast majority of cases have been detected and investigated in comparatively well-off countries.”
During an influenza epidemic in the developed world, between 5% and 15% of the population will be affected. Hospitalisation and deaths usually occur in senior citizens and those with medical conditions. It is estimated there are three to five million cases of severe illness and between 250,000 to 500,000 deaths annually worldwide. Most deaths associated with influenza in the developed world occur in those aged 65 years and above.
The type A virus is the main cause of epidemics and pandemics, eg the Spanish flu in 1918 which resulted in estimated deaths of 40 million worldwide. The accuracy of this figure is being debated as there was no laboratory confirmation simply because the influenza virus was discovered in 1933, years after the event. More recent pandemics, which occurred in 1957 (“Asian influenza”) and 1968 (“Hong Kong influenza”), caused significant morbidity and mortality worldwide.
All the pandemics in the 20th century were characterised by a series of multiple waves, each of which caused increased mortality for two to five years. There was a mild first wave during the summer in the 1918 pandemic, followed by two severe waves the following winter. The 1957 pandemic had three winter waves during the first five years. The 1968 pandemic had a mild first wave in Britain, followed by a severe second wave the following winter
WHO currently categorises the severity of the influenza A (H1N1) pandemic as moderate. This means that:
·Most people recover from infection without the need for medical care;
·The incidence of severe illness is similar to that seen during local ordinary seasonal influenza outbreaks, although higher levels have occurred in some local areas and institutions; and
·Most countries have been able to cope with the numbers seeking care, although there are stresses in some localities.
There is concern about the occurrence of serious cases and deaths in young people, including those who have been previously healthy and those with pre-existing medical conditions or pregnancy. There are still many gaps in knowledge about the virus.
As the pandemic has mainly affected the more developed countries to date, WHO anticipates that a bleaker picture will emerge as the virus spreads to areas with limited resources, poor healthcare, and a high prevalence of underlying medical problems.
There is increasing evidence in many countries that sporadic cases are arising without any apparent link to travel abroad or to other cases in the country. The possibility of the local epidemiology of the infection mirroring that of these countries cannot be discounted.
Many health authorities have used mathematical models in their planning. For example, the Department of Health of the United Kingdom, after taking into consideration that the total illness levels in previous pandemics was 25 to 35%, have based their plans on illness rates of 50%.
What every person can and should do
The most effective way of stopping or slowing the spread of many infectious diseases, including influenza A (H1N1), is the prevention of the spread of germs. There are several inexpensive practical measures that can be taken for protection of individuals and their families.
·Good hand hygiene – Regular washing of the hands with soap and water or the use of anti-germ hand rubs will help in protection against many germs, including influenza A (H1N1).
·Avoid touching the nose, mouth and eyes – When one touches anything that is contaminated with germs and follows that by touching of the nose, mouth or eyes, infections may be contracted.
·Practise respiratory etiquette – Covering the nose and mouth with tissues when sneezing or coughing can prevent the spread of infection to others. One should always carry tissues as sneezing or coughing is unpredictable. Used tissues should be disposed promptly and carefully, eg putting in a bin or flushing it away in the toilet.
·Avoid close contact – This reduces the chances of catching an infection from the sick who, in turn, will also protect others from getting infections.
·Stay home when sick – This will prevent the spread of infections to others. The sick should be cared for by designated caregivers with appropriate instructions from a healthcare provider.
·Social distancing refers to keeping an arm’s length distance from others and minimising social gatherings, eg closing of schools etc. The former is a useful habit to have. Compliance with the latter is vital if advised by the health authorities.
·Improve general health with physical activity, nutritious food, adequate sleep, cigarette smoking cessation and substance abuse avoidance. Healthy people have better immune systems and can withstand infections better.
·Clean household and office surfaces, eg door handles or knobs, tables etc regularly with soap and water or disinfectant as germs can survive for some time outside the human body and are spread when a contaminated surface is touched.
·Household ventilation – Keeping windows open allow sunlight to get in and air to circulate, both of which will reduce the survival times of germs outside the body.
Medical attention
It is advisable for anyone who is sick to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Immediate medical attention should be sought by anyone with:
·Fever; and
·One or more of the following respiratory symptoms: cough, sore throat, myalgia, difficulty in breathing; and
·One or more of following: close contact with a person diagnosed as probable or confirmed case of influenza A (H1N1) or recent travel to an area or country reporting cases of confirmed influenza A (H1N1).
This will facilitate early diagnosis, treatment and implementation of preventive measures. Whenever there is doubt, it is prudent to seek medical attention early than to feel sorry later.
Sometimes a definitive diagnosis is not immediately possible. However, it is vital that medical advice be followed. There is no place for self medication.
Queries have been raised about the use of face masks. Surgical facemasks used by surgeons, nurses and other healthcare professionals reduce the risk of the transmission of viruses or bacteria from surgeons, nurses and other healthcare professionals to patients undergoing procedures, eg an operation.
Facemasks are also used by doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals to reduce their risk of getting infections from patients when there is a risk of droplet transmission.
As far as the public is concerned, there are certain situations when facemasks may be of benefit i.e.
·Reduction of the risk of transmission of respiratory infections to others, eg people with colds or influenza when in contact with others; or
·Reduction of the risk of caregivers getting an infection from persons with cold or influenza.
The use of facemasks by healthy people not involved in the care of sick people is not recommended. There is no scientific evidence available currently to suggest that this is an effective preventive measure. Furthermore, there are many practical issues that need to be considered, viz:
·The choice of facemask is important as the quality and effectiveness is variable;
·Improperly worn facemasks may not provide any protection;
·Prolonged wearing of facemasks may be necessary as exposure to infectious persons is random and unpredictable;
·Facemask users may not pay attention to good hand hygiene practices which are effective in reducing the spread of respiratory infections like influenza;
·Failure to wash the hands after removal of a facemask or its reuse will render it ineffective and increase the risk of self-contamination;
·Those with respiratory infections may use a facemask to hide their symptoms and go out when they should be staying at home; and
·Proper disposal of the facemasks is important in order that others are not exposed to risk of infection.
The novel influenza A (H1N1) virus is in the early stages of a pandemic. The scale of the problems it can pose is uncertain. Yet action is required now when the severity of the threat is still moderate.
Any intervention will involve trade-offs between the social and economic costs and the uncertain probability of greater harm of a widespread outbreak. The uncertainty, urgency and the costs of intervention make the efforts to control this pandemic very challenging.
There is need for vigilance, not complacency or panic. Everyone has to play their part in the efforts to control the spread of the disease. Individual efforts may not be significant by themselves but the collective contributions will be substantial. The understanding and active participation of the public is crucial to controlling the spread of this new disease.
Dr Margaret Chan of WHO summarises it succinctly: “Influenza pandemics, whether moderate or severe, are remarkable events because of the almost universal susceptibility of the world’s population to infection. We are all in this together, and we will all get through this, together.”
Dr Milton Lum is a member of the board of Medical Defence Malaysia. This article is not intended to replace, dictate or define evaluation by a qualified doctor. The views expressed do not represent that of any organization the writer is associated with.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
檳威大橋的熱線電話:1300 1300 03 用手機直接撥打亦可。
服務時間:早上7.00點 到 晚上 8.00點
News Clip: Copy from The Star
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Ada Jawapan
Unit Khas Lawatan Rambang JTK
Bercakap pada majlis lain selepas merasmikan Persidangan Antarabangsa Persekutuan Pengangkutan Awam Antarabansga (ITF) Kawasan Asia Pasifik Kali Ketujuh di sini, Subramaniam berkata, kementeriannya akan mewujudkan satu unit khas untuk bertindak sebagai penasihat, kaunselor dan penguat kuasa untuk menjaga kebajikan dan mengawasi pembantu rumah asing daripada menjadi mangsa penderaan majikan.
"Unit ini akan membuat lawatan rambang ke rumah majikan yang menggunakan pembantu rumah asing bagi memastikan pekerja mereka berada dalam keadaan baik.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Saves the maid
Another sad and sickening incident happened again by the chinese employer to their maid.
Even if you have money,
it doesn't meant that you are fit to be an employer.!
Even though the immigration did impose on regulation that you need to be financially affordable by showing your income tax returned, your marriage certificate. But why this employer of her, who is a single mother of 2, did successfully obtained a permit to employ a foreign maid from the authority ?
We should have the employer to go through acid test, to see if he/she may do harm to the maid before approvals. And to set up an enforcement for humanity and do frequent visits to all employers after their maid arrived. We need to prevent it from happening and happening again.
Saves the maid from the kafir !
Escaped with help of neighbour
MS SITI Hajar escaped from the employer's residence in Lanai Kiara Condominium in Mont Kiara with the help of a neighbour at 7.30am on Monday.
'I used a steel rod to prise open the front grille and with the help of a neighbour, I took a taxi to the Indonesian Embassy. 'I reached there at 8.30am and the taxi driver gave me RM10 after he heard what had happened to me,' Ms Siti said.
Brickfields police chief Asst Comm Wan Abdul Bari Wan Abdul Khalid said the employer had been remanded for five days from Tuesday.
On Monday, Indonesian Ambassador Tan Sri Da'i Bactiar said the employer had willingly admitted to abusing Ms Siti. 'She cried and apologised for abusing Siti,' he said. -- THE STAR/ANN
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
自古以來,地方土匪 賺取生活費的方式不外是向路過的征收過路費。多少世紀了,這種征收方式一直都在引用中,包含世界各地的各國政府,也是如此。唯一不同的是,地方厚道 跟你拿了錢以後,是會保證你相安無事,一路順利,進出平安。
還真的好多,單單在收費站附近而已,就一大撮。恐怖吧,問你怕嗎? 詳細情況請翻閱2009年6月9日的光明日報。
他們還計劃,分班每15分鐘一次,來回這全亞洲最長的大橋,很驕傲的使用這小學生所發明的特別裝置,哼哼... 吸鐵釘。當然啦,每15分鐘一趟,13.5公里長的跨海大橋,來回就27公里有多。趁目前世界經濟不景,吸收那些因為世界經濟不景的失業人士,造就多一些就業機會也算是功德一件吧。
I'll Sue You !!!
Saturday, June 06, 2009
YDP Baru di Lantik
Johari kassim (SDA), ketua pemboikot di antara lapan ahli majlis-ahli majlis PKR yang di lantik. Kenapa boycott ?
Terdengar berita ahli-ahli majlis PKR boycott majlis perlantikan YDP MPSP, agaknya kerana jawatan yang diduga lama tidak menjadi. Satu irama lama mendering-dering di dalam hatiku bagi handphone mu, si Ketua...
Friday, May 29, 2009
升旗山吊桥和Hotel Crag
为了将州内景点提升至国际地位,州政府今日开始公开招标升旗山吊桥和Hotel Crag,让有意投标者向首长办公室、森林局或州秘书处提出申请。升旗山吊桥的招标期限为期1个月,截止日期为7月1日,Hotel Crag的招标期限为3个月,截止日期为9月1日。
■ 富有历史价值的Hotel Crag公开招标,州政府希望可为该酒店增添新气息。
希望恢复Hotel Crag历史原貌
至于Hotel Crag,林首长表示,此酒店在1890年由Sarkies Brothers兴建,曾经被用为国际学校,惟,国际学校搬离后,就空置至今。
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Ambil Orang Asing Masuk Campur Tangan
Come and join Maurice Fawcett not Sarah Fawcett, a free 2 days tour in Malaysia sponsored by Dr Spinner. Come, stay with us. You will be protected as in a heaven besides Taiping Lake Garden, with our new guest of honours, Sir Mas Selamat Kastari.
Pandai, angkat orang asing, kirim salam ya..
Sunday, May 17, 2009
監督中央提升升旗山 檳政府不應卸責
破壞文化遺産 僅節省10分鐘路程
一年多以來的新聞記錄。 有眼看嗎?
1.[ 2009-05-08] 連夜搶修半山站電廂房 升旗山纜車恢復通行
2.[ 2009-05-06] 升旗山纜車又壞了 逾130遊客受困
3.[ 2009-04-20] 樹倒壓中升旗山纜車道 纜車服務受影響
4.[ 2009-02-08] 林冠英:升旗山纜車更換鋼索 節省近百萬令吉
5.[ 2009-01-24] 檳升旗山纜車服務 延長至午夜12時
6.[ 2008-12-19] 升旗山纜車重開跑! 首長:節省76萬令吉
7.[ 2008-12-16] 需時荷重測試及清洗油迹 升旗山纜車展延載客
8.[ 2008-12-13]停工半年之久的半山纜車下周二恢復操作
9.[ 2008-11-27] 升旗山纜車電纜周一運抵安裝 冀下月中恢復操作
10.[ 2008-11-20] 撥款60萬換電纜 升旗山纜車下月恢復
11.[ 2008-11-05] 不堪風雨襲擊 升旗山吊橋斷了
12.[ 2008-10-06] 維修工程無進展 升旗山纜車只到半山,導致旅客失望沒有機會觀看全市景,掃興而歸
13.[ 2008-09-22] 升旗山纜車因故障而停駛已3個月,免鋼纜日久不用生銹每隔兩天須試跑
14.[ 2008-09-06] 林冠英:中央撥款還沒到 提升纜車靠自己
15.[ 2008-08-29] 冠英:會第二財長談撥款 改善纜車兩周有答案
16.[ 2008-07-20] 提升纜車4千萬? 中央與州政府未商如何歸還
17.[ 2008-07-20] 首相已經答應重新將升旗山纜車提升計劃納入第9大馬計劃
18.[ 2008-07-20] 第二財長:首相答應重納入第9計劃 纜車計劃重見曙光
19.[ 2008-07-19]中華總商會建議將升旗山纜車私營化,首長林冠英林表示再詳細進行討論。
20.[ 2008-07-08] 升旗山纜車故障至今已有2周,然而州政府至今仍苦無對策,解決登山問題!...
21.[ 2008-07-04] 纜車暫停·山上山下小販業者喊苦生意大減,幾乎達致“零”生意率!
22.[ 2008-06-29] 林冠英:纜車撥款若再空談 Barisan Nasional應改稱Buruk Siku
23.[ 2008-06-26] 升旗山纜車電纜嚴重損壞 需耗4個月修復導致遊客無緣上山欣賞美景。
24.[ 2008-04-24] 漏夜搶修 纜車再上路
25.[ 2008-04-24] 車站電箱遭雷擊中 升旗山纜車又停駛
26.[ 2008-04-16] 逾16小時搶修 升旗山纜車恢復載客
27.[ 2008-04-15] 升旗山纜車故障 150人困山頂
他發神經時,是刺猬一只 。