I found this! Staying in BaganSPU will never be the same again. If you don't feel safe, just make a call!
If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood
Who ya gonna call (Butterworth 1)
If it's somethin' weird an it won't look good
Who ya gonna call (014-304 9028)
Don't get caught alone oh no…crimebuster
When he comes through your door
Unless you've just got some more
I think you better call crimebusters
Ooh... who you gonna call (Butterworth 10)
Who you gonna call (017-400 0012)
Ah, I think you better call (PKS-BW)
Who you gonna call (Butterworth 10)
Who you can call Butterworth 10…(017-400 0012)
The purpose of the security team is to assist the police and the local preventive work, as well as to assist the interim accident occurred, such as: fire, natural disasters, accidents and so on.
1. 参加本治安队队员,全属个人义务贡献,没有酬劳。
2. 本治安队设有队长,副队长,各部门小组及理事会代表。若接获投报,求助或投诉;需联络有关部门並遵守其指示。
3. 杜绝个人表现,图呈英雄主义者。
4. 绝对不准乱做主张卷入私人恩怨纠纷,或钱财问题。
5. 不可私下向公众收取任何酬劳或回报,不可报有私自利益或企图。
6. 没有充足的证据或理由,绝对不可鲁莽栽停公众人士查问。
7. 应有责任维持现场次序及交通问题,控制自己与公众人士的情绪为主要工作。
8. 不可把法律玩弄在自己手里,必须与警方配合以方便进行调查工作。
9. 绝对不可对受害者或事主许下任何承诺,一切必须交由队长处理。
10. 不可在路上奔驶,应顾及公众及个人安全。
11. 不可做出任何破坏本治安队之名誉的事情。
12. 身为优质的队员,应尽能力记录下对讲机所报告之匪徒或报失之车牌号码与特征等等。